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Hygiene & Safety Practices

Temperature Check

The Montessori Inclusive School actively monitors news and updates related to the coronavirus.  We follow the guidelines and procedures outlined by the CDC, Texas Department of State Health and  Services, and our local health officials.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Health Checks

  • Temperature checks using a no-touch thermometer for all students will be conducted at drop-off.  Children with a temperature of 100 degrees and above cannot attend school.

  • Temperature checks for all staff will also be conducted as they arrive.  Any staff with a temperature of 100 degrees and above will be sent home.

  • Parents and guardians will be asked to confirm that their child does not have fever, shortness of breath or cough.

  • A visual inspection will be conducted for signs of illness which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing, fatigue, extreme fussiness, etc.

Mother and Child


  • Staff

    • All TMIS staff is required to wear a mask at all times.

  • Parents

    • Parents must wear a mask when dropping off and picking up their child.  Parents will not enter the building unless absolutely necessary and if they do, a mask must be worn.

  • Students

    • Indoors, children ages two and older will wear masks except during lunch, snack, and nap times.

Cleaning the Bathroom Sink


  • Cleaning and disinfecting of shared materials will be done multiple times a day.

  • Each child’s bedding will be kept separate.  Cots and mats are labeled for each child and disinfected daily.

  • High contact shared objects such as door knobs, toilets, and sink handles will be cleaned and disinfected throughout the day. 

  • All shared classroom materials will be disinfected at the end of the day.

  • TMIS will clean and disinfect throughout the school after closing for the day.

Washing Hands


  • All staff and students will wash hands thoroughly and properly upon entering the building, after using the bathroom or helping a child use the bathroom, before and after eating, after touching the face, before and after administering medication, after coming in contact with bodily fluid, after outdoor time, after handling garbage or waste.

  • Certain individual supplies will be provided to the children (e.g. scissors, pencils, crayons, glue stick, markers, etc.).

  • All personal belongings brought to school will be sanitized before entering the classroom.

  • Montessori students will remove their outdoor shoes and change into their indoor slippers prior to entering their classrooms.

  • Self-serve snacks will be temporarily discontinued.

  • Outdoor time will be extended.

  • Availability of hand sanitizers in all classrooms and common areas.  Teachers will supervise children when using hand sanitizers.

  • Children will be discouraged from touching their faces.

Back to School with Mask

Social Distancing

  • Drop off and Pick Up: 

    • Parents will drop off their child outside the front door.  A staff member will greet the child and bring him/her to the classroom if not exhibiting any symptoms.  Parents will not be allowed to enter the building unless absolutely necessary. 

    • At pick-up, parents are asked to call the school when they arrive to let them know they are there to pick up their child.  A staff member will bring the child out to the parent.

  • Classroom ratios and group sizes have been modified to numbers lower than the existing minimum standards.

  • Our eLearning Lab students will have their own individual work table.

  • In the Montessori classrooms, children will be given a designated workspace and will work individually in separate places in the classroom.

  • Limit unnecessary classroom movement.

  • Use of markers on the floor to spread children out during circle time.

  • Children will stay with their own class throughout the day.

  • Whenever possible, children will have their snacks and lunches outside.

Covid 19

COVID-19 Testing and Reporting (Generally Follows LISD)

  • Any child exhibiting symptoms of illness while at school will immediately be brought to the office for isolation.  Parents will be notified and asked to pick up their sick child.

  • Parents must either bring their sick child for covid-19 testing or quarantine for 14 days.

  • Students and staff who tested positive for COVID-19 and had symptoms can go back to school only after:  

    • At least 14 days since symptoms first appeared and

    • At least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and

    • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving

  • The school will notify our county department of health of any known COVID-19 exposure in the facility.  TMIS will follow state guidelines on partial or full closure should there be a confirmed case of COVID-19 in our community.

  • TMIS Families and staff will be notified if there is a positive case of COVID-19.

  • Areas used by any COVID-19 positive person will be closed off and disinfected.

  • Students and staff who had contact with a COVID-19 positive person will be sent home and must either get covid-19 testing or quarantine for 14 days (even if test is negative).

  • If a member of a student’s or staff member’s household tests positive for covid-19, the student or staff member must get covid-19 testing and quarantine for 14 days.

  • Parents/guardians and staff are required to immediately report to the school office if a child or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 or if one of their household members or close contacts test positive for COVID-19.

Our Academic Programs

We offer Montessori programs for toddler, preschool, and kindergarten age children.

18 months

to 3 years

Preschool and


The Montessori Inclusive School

901 Royal Ln

Cedar Park, Texas 78613

(512) 520-5948

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The Montessori Inclusive School   ©   2020

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